Gaming Collection
In the digital age children have taken to gaming like ducklings to water. As such, we stock an array of gaming gowns and onesies. Some of these are designed for comfort during late night sleep over gaming sessions, others are game-branded
Gaming Gowns for Kids
We have a couple of gaming-themed gowns for kids. Most popular is our blue super-soft fleece Game Over Dressing Gown. Does your little one prefer to play the dark side villain? Not a problem, check out our black super-soft fleece Eat Sleep Game Repeat Dressing Gown
A snug little gaming gown helps kids to lounge appropriately, as they snack and game themselves to oblivion with their friends. We can't promise they'll be up in time for breakfast, but they're sure to stay warm as they play games through the night
Gaming Onesies for Dad & The Kids
Kids love to have a gaming session with their friends, but dads sometimes like to get in on the action. In 2020 there are lots of dads who enjoy gaming just as much as their children! The Mens Shaggy Fleece Onesie is crafted for optimum comfort, when showing the kids how games should really be played
Although the fleece is plain, it's really soft and snug. Large front pockets allow for optimum snack storage, whilst keeping dad warm and comfortable
For kids, our favourite onesie has to be the Childs Eat Sleep Gaming Onesie. The onesie is zipped for ease of wearing and is plastered in the "Eat Sleep Game Repeat" catchphrase. It's made with cotton jersey fabric and is ideal for teenagers with a gaming passion